Thursday, June 08, 2006

Day 2 of the Journey

Day 1 had us leaving town around 4pm. Which left us to running into rush hour traffic. Plus road construction - get this they've found a new way to rip off the government and offend the drivers all in one shot! Impressive yes? There were construction signs stating that there was road work for the next 22 miles - we drove through about 10 miles off one lane wondering when it was going to start. Twice I saw a road crew standing on the side of the road with a truck and they were opening boxes. Is this really enough to reduce a highway to one lane for traffic? Apparently so since that's what happened. Our first night had us staying only about 200 miles from our old home but it still was about 9:40 by the time we got our hotel room, unloaded the car & van and then got some food. The girls had a wonderful time with everything to bad our swimsuits were packed though since there was a very nice 24 hour swimming pool just down the hall from our room. Jalen was so ready for some cuddles that he let me pet him all over and he was just closing his eyes and really leaning into my hand. It was so sweet, wish we would've gotten a picture.

Day 2: We've finally arrived at my mom's. The closer and closer that we came I was feeling much more relaxed and happy. We got here at 2pm and tonight had a nice BBQ. Auntie and Uncle Bill came down so the whole family was out. We also rode Grega's "Go Fast" aka the 4 wheeler. lol. Now I'm trying to catch up on my email, relax and get some sleep.

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