Sunday, January 20, 2008

Pitching a Picasa fit

With my computer going wonky I restarted in the middle of reorganizing my pictures. Only to find that all but two of them are gone... bye bye hubby's birthday day party and the amazing picture of him wreathed in smoke from his candles, the cover model shot in his suit and Pandora's first trip outside in the snow, plus the pictures of the gerbils. Oh yes and I just remembered the most important one of all - John playing tooth fairy for Gigi's first lost tooth! Not to mention the girls playing outside on their swing set - a gift from pcsing neighbors.

It's been an injury/accident prone week - twisted/sprained ankle, puncture wound to left foot, and starting a sinus infection. I'm praying for a better week asap! Ok enough whining although it's my blog and I'll whine if I want too (lol sorry had to put it in the song popped into my head)

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