Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Gym pictures continued

The kids are setting up for the last stunt in the routine. Going up please.
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Little Photographer

With the exception of the picture of herself Gwenie was the photographer tonight at cheer practice. I'm so proud of her. I will be changing the settings on the camera though so we can try to get a higher quality picture. Gigi is the one in the bright orange pants so at least she's easy to identify. Next payday we are going to buy Gwen a big girl camera of her own - she has shown herself to be responsible with mine and is demonstrating a love of photography. The little sounds she was making were so cute. The ummm and hmmm and let's see... She also was adventureous and tried a few shots on angles. They didn't turn out but she tried. Anyone have any advice for our little budding photographer?

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Rest of the snow pics

That is one very pouty face - if looks could kill.
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First snow of 2008

Here's a few pictures that I happened to catch of the girls. I just missed them having a snow ball fight. But they at least had a good time. The pouty face on Gwenie is because she just got in trouble for the second for going behind the shed. Which is a known off limits area since we can't easily see them or what they're up to.

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Pitching a Picasa fit

With my computer going wonky I restarted in the middle of reorganizing my pictures. Only to find that all but two of them are gone... bye bye hubby's birthday day party and the amazing picture of him wreathed in smoke from his candles, the cover model shot in his suit and Pandora's first trip outside in the snow, plus the pictures of the gerbils. Oh yes and I just remembered the most important one of all - John playing tooth fairy for Gigi's first lost tooth! Not to mention the girls playing outside on their swing set - a gift from pcsing neighbors.

It's been an injury/accident prone week - twisted/sprained ankle, puncture wound to left foot, and starting a sinus infection. I'm praying for a better week asap! Ok enough whining although it's my blog and I'll whine if I want too (lol sorry had to put it in the song popped into my head)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Family, Storms and Migraines

Twister Sisters not only are they a show they also offer a tour as well. They look like such an awesome things to do - Mom and I want to go. Now if we can only see how much it is to join the chase/tour. Now if we can convince Amy to join us and maybe pool our money we might be able to do it. Keeping my fingers crossed but it really looks like something awesome to share! Tomorrow I will finally meet with a neurologist to hopefully get a handle on my migraines. They've been especially bad lately. Today is day 4 of an entire series (if that's how you describe them) of migraines. I have found another trigger at least but it doesn't do me to much as I can't get away from the multiple leaf blowers and other loud equipment from the landscaping crew. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow. I'm hoping to come home with a prescription for a daily preventative.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Hiddenite Gems, Inc.

Ok thanks again to Cash and Treasures I have found a new place to go on a family vacation. This one might be even closer and more possible to actually go to. Hiddenite Gems, Inc. it's the only emerald mine that is open to the public. And at just under a 6 hour drive time this one might be doable for a 4 day weekend. Plus there's the added benefit of being able to find other gemstones as well. The Lapidary Shop is well worth a visit they offer to set your find(s) into a piece of custom jewelry. What a vacation souvenir!

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Caledonia Mine

Found the neatest thing to do. I want to go play in the dirt and find my own copper. The Caledonia mine is apparently the only place to go and do this. Perhaps the next time that we are in Michigan we will plan to stop and play. To bad we aren't pcsing any time soon. Or maybe even just take a little vacation? Sounds like a blast to me!

First lost tooth

First post of the year and the first tooth lost by our daughter. Pictures soon to follow. Dang camera batteries anyways. Daddy had to assist her a little bit since her adult tooth is trying to come in behind the baby one. Hopefully we didn't wait to long so her teeth won't be to crooked. She was rewarded with ice cream which she shared with Sissy. We couldn't find Daddy's tooth pillow that he had growing up so instead we're doing a trinket box next to the bed with her tooth in it. Gigi is very excited to have her first visit from the tooth fairy. Now for her to just settle down and go to sleep so she can actually come. I can't believe my baby is growing up so fast.