Sunday, July 16, 2006


Here I am with Sophie at the Bird Festival yesterday. I can't wait until I can bring her home. Only $450 left! Isn't she just adorable? Posted by Picasa

Go Fast Daddy!

So I was watching a video clip of a race car who had a head on collision with a farmer The girls looked at the screen and starting screaming, "Go Fast Daddy!" LOL can you tell who drives the racing game perhaps a bit to much in front of the girls?

Saturday, July 15, 2006

And another pic

Here's the back I'm not sure if you can really see how vibrant he or she is but it's the best I've got. Posted by Picasa

Guess what followed me home

So ok not really they didn't but it sounded cute anyways. I haven't gotten a good picture yet because I'm just starting to hand tame them. But I just thought they were so adorable. The yellow one is completely yellow which I have never seen before and the blue one has a very vibrant teal back. Sorry honey for bringing home more birds without permission but you love me anyways! ; - ) Forgot to add that we think the blue one (they haven't been named yet) is a male and the yellow is a female.
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Wednesday, July 12, 2006


That is what dinner was all about. As I am currently sans most of kitchen gear I had to be very creative with the way that I cooked dinner.
First searching the cupboards for dinner - chili sounds good but no such luck there's still no can opener. Trying again I happen upon a box of mac and cheese so we finally have a winner. Using my 8 x 8 Pyrex square I cooked the noodles in the microwave. Then next step drain the noodles - umm problem there I don't have a colander either.... Hmm I have a big slotted pancake turner that'll work. Using one of the ginormus plastic cups I scooped then strained the noodles into the cup so I could empty the the Pyrex. Ok so next step return noodles to dish and then add milk and butter. No measuring spoons - no problem I'll just guesstimate. And voila it's done. My creative way to try and have something different then a PBJ or cereal.
Thank you and sorry for everyone who got this far - it's not been the best of days and honestly being able to cook dinner was the highlight.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Mom's birthday trip

Mom really had a great time in Leavenworth a cute little Bavarian town in Washington state. The bottom picture is a painting that she actually bought while there for her birthday. Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 10, 2006

The 'Net Guardian

Here's Jalen are CAG (Congo African Grey) playing net guardian. Making safer surfing for people everywhere. LOL.
And a cute cloesup.  Posted by Picasa

The kitchen

First picture taken from the doorway to the kitchen looking straight on while the second one is looking to the left. The third is standing in front of the stove, the door that you can kinda see on the left is the double door to the washer & dryer. The last picture is standing in the corner between the wall and door looking right - this will be where dining room table will go once I can get there.

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Boxes to the ceiling!

And of course Smaug thinks this is a wonderful bed for him.  Posted by Picasa

The Living Room

As requested here is the living room in all of it's full of boxes glory. I hope that you can tell how small this place really is. For the picture of Jalen's cage I was standing at the stairs. The picture of the girl's on the couch I was standing at my desk. And then the for the pic of my desk - which is at the other end of the living room I was standing at the couch. Hope this helps everyone to put it into perspective.

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Saturday, July 08, 2006

All alone again

Well John is on his way to go to his school up in Pennsylvania and I'm lonely already. I know that there are tons of things to do around the house like unpacking boxes and putting away things but I have no idea of where to put more then half of this to actually make it work. More then a bit lost with the overwhelming bit taste of shrinking a three bedroom house with garage into a less then 900 sq foot two bedroom townhome. I know that says to just jump in where you are and you can do anything 15 mintues at a time but right now I'm just to overwhelmed to even try it. I have at least done a load of dishes and unloaded and then reloaded it all so that part is going ok I can see my sink again which tells me that that is in fact progress. I know that I am whining but heck I feel like I'm allowed since this is my blog and no one is forcing you to read. But the cabinets are cut so small that I can't even get my crockpot in one. I think it's probably beyond time to cut a path over to the baker's rack where I think a lot of my small applicances are going to have to take up residence. It would be so awesome if by the time John comes home we could have a nice romantic dinner at our dining room table, by candle light. Perhaps even a nice lasagna, salad, and other goodies to add to the menu. Hmm sounds good.

Pics of the new place

Smaug in his hiding spot. It took us forever to find him too.

A sideways picture of part of the mess that is our back porch. Broken glass bottles, cigarette butts, and sorts of other disgusting things.