Tuesday, September 15, 2009

School days

The girls are being very industrious working on their school pages. The more and more we use it I am really enjoying the k12 system. Officially the girls belong to a virtual charter school. So it's public school at home. Works out really great we have access to a teacher when we need it and the send us all the materials and I don't have to worry about making a lesson plan. Daddy is able to actually spend some time with his girls during his crazy shift work schedule.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Maternity clothes confessions and more

Ok so I was reading on my friend's blog that she still has a particularly comfy pair of maternity pants that she kept from her last pregnancy and wears on occasion. I have to admit that I too still have a pair of shorts that I've kept as well. Now the bad or embarassing part is that I purchased these shorts while I was pregnant with my first daughter who's turning 7 in October! And my youngest daughter turns 6 in September. You'd think that by now I would've found another pair of shorts but I haven't. These are still the most comfortable shorts hands down.

In other news baby Garfield is living up to his name. Put something down where he can get to it and he will help himself to a little nibble & lick your plate clean. Tonight it was the leftover mariana sauce from my pasta. He's a cute little love bug.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Early morning photo shoot

I had a bit of fun with the girls this morning. They got me up before 7 am again on a Saturday so I figured since we were all up why not use the nice light and do the photo shoot I've been longing to do since I saw this amazing tree by medical here on base. We were able to take a few pretty nice shots. Next time I'll be a bit more prepared and find the tripod and my different lens but this came out nicely for being so spur of the moment. So here's the slideshow and I hope you enjoy.

Friday, May 01, 2009

The misadventures of a fieldtripping Mom

Today was finally the big day! The day the girls have been counting down for the day of the field trip. And we almost didn't even get to go. Gigi was low yellow on her asthma stop light action plan. So at school I did a bit of begging and we swapped and I was allowed to chaperon her as well Gwen with another girl (someone from their tball team whom they both love to pieces) so it was a definite win win. They got to be with their good friend and I got to keep an eye on Gigi and her asthma.

The information what we could hear of it was very good and informative. The girls actually learned things. I even learned something - I wasn't expecting to. Although I admit it was hard to hear over the "whisperings" of the class and then the various parents answering, hushing, or just telling them to behave or not to x, y or z.

It was another hot and humid day, really welcome to the south. What was I thinking??? I'm heat intolerant and I'm running around in the strawberry patch, on the tractor ride, eating lunch outside. It has taken me at least two days to recover from this. But you know at the end of it all I can honestly say it was worth it! Simply because my girls had a good time. And what more as a mom can you ask for? I do my best as parent to give them the most and do the best that I can. Sure I may complain later about it (especially when it makes me sick) but I think it's important I be there for them medical issues or not. How about some pictures now that you've listened to me whine.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


The girls are starting a new sport. The are now into t-ball. I'm so proud that they went ahead and tried something new. Now they both love it. Gwen had said she wants to go on and learn how to play softball.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Been awhile

Hmm life has just gotten away from me apparently... but that's ok. It's my blog and I can be lazy if I want.