Thursday, November 30, 2006

Today has been great

First thing this morning John called me with the news that we have been waiting for - he finally made 1st class! The promotion that he should've already gotten is now finally his. I am so proud of him, he did such a great job. Now we're just waiting to hear which increment he was advanced in and when the frocking ceremony is going to be. I hope that for the ceremony they will allow the public aka family and friends to attend. I have yet to be able to attend one in my 5 and half years as a Navy wife. The girls and I threw a little suprise party when he got home. We got a cake at Sam's Club (love that place!), made a banner, bought flowers - the girls picked out the colors magenta roses, lime green mums and yellow daisies. The flower combination turned out very nicely once I put them in a vase. Plus we bought him a special day planner that is specifically for leadership. My only complaint about it is that it's not thick enough for all of the wonderful things included.

I've been trying to update for the past couple of days that Mags (either Magonlia or Magnum depending upon which one of us you ask) has learned how to say a clear word - Mama. Now who he's calling for with his Mama I'm not sure - it would be cute if it was John though. And tonight I could've sworn that I heard him say Hello when we got home. I'm so impressed because he just turned 6 months old. Tango has turned a year old now and is officially our oldest bird - not counting the canaries & finches since we don't have any hatch information on them.

Well it's time to get my nose back to the grindstone and finish my school work. I have started a course at Penn Foster to do Medical Transcription. I hope that it turns out the way that I am hoping it will. If all goes well then I would like to earn enough money extra to put John through college so he can earn his degree. Since in 2008 it's going to be a requirement to be promoted to Senior Chief (E8) or Master Chief (E9). So far we are looking at Thomas Edison as they have a good reputation for working with military members and being able to use thier job experience and training to translate into college credit for a degree.

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