Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Tango and Carmelita

Are our newest birds that we added today. Carmelita is a crested canary hen. And fortunately she and Cheeto actually like each other. Now Tango on the other hand is a Dusky headed conure. A fun parrot who likes to cuddle and explore. I'll add pictures later. Can't wait for my husband to come home and see our newest babies. Of course that'll be a few more months since he left on monday for his deployment : ( I wish that he didn't have to be I know that this is how he takes care of us. Well that's all for now off to watch the Amazing Race 9.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Another view of Duchess Posted by Picasa

What a cutie pie!

Welcome to the family Duchess. Now to just try to get you here. I can tell you that she's going to be one spoiled baby though. We've already bought her puppy purse so she can come and be with us as part of the family. Thanks so much Elisa for giving me her. She's so precious!
Duchess Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 20, 2006

Now how do I wear this thing?

Ok bad picture aside here is my banner that proudly proclaims me to be Mrs. Everett. I'm very excited about the who deal. I never knew that there was so much going on to be in a pageant. Color draping, learning to walk in the really high heels, something called butt tape? to keep your swimsuit in place. Plus there's apperences to make and the whole nine yards. It should be a very adventurous and exciting next few months while we count down to the June 3rd pageant.
Wish me luck... Posted by Picasa

You knew you married a nuke for a reason

That was the comment my dear husband said to me when I asked him to refill the canaire's water. Silly me thought that this was going to be a simple matter of taking the dish to the frig and refilling it. My technical husband said he was going to improvise something to steam distill the water for the little guys. It did work sort of - we just need to make some adjustments to the whole tin foil apperaturs and I too will be able to distill water. We think that our Society Finches (Valient and Brownie) both of whom were previously thought to be male might actually be a pair. I tried to give them a a piece of seeded hay since I thought they may like it. Instead they carried it around trying to build a nest. So off John goes to Petco to buy a third cage and setup with nest for them. We'll see how this all turns out. I also found thanks to the yellowpages a store that is exclusive for birds and exotics. I can't wait to go - hopefully on wednesday. I would like to buy a female Canary for Frito - he just needs to tone down the singing a little bit. Then maybe get one for Cheeto at the same time, I feel bad that he's all by himself. He kinda looks a little lonely. Well that's all for now, I need to get ready to go.
Just signing up. Lots of things to rambling on about ....