Sunday, December 03, 2006


Here's John's Grandma Gartung, the page isn't done yet but I'm stopping for now to figure out what else I would like to add to the page. Posted by Picasa

Grega love

 Posted by Picasa

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Promotion time

Here's a quick little page that I made this evening. In case you can't tell we're very excited about his promotion. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Today has been great

First thing this morning John called me with the news that we have been waiting for - he finally made 1st class! The promotion that he should've already gotten is now finally his. I am so proud of him, he did such a great job. Now we're just waiting to hear which increment he was advanced in and when the frocking ceremony is going to be. I hope that for the ceremony they will allow the public aka family and friends to attend. I have yet to be able to attend one in my 5 and half years as a Navy wife. The girls and I threw a little suprise party when he got home. We got a cake at Sam's Club (love that place!), made a banner, bought flowers - the girls picked out the colors magenta roses, lime green mums and yellow daisies. The flower combination turned out very nicely once I put them in a vase. Plus we bought him a special day planner that is specifically for leadership. My only complaint about it is that it's not thick enough for all of the wonderful things included.

I've been trying to update for the past couple of days that Mags (either Magonlia or Magnum depending upon which one of us you ask) has learned how to say a clear word - Mama. Now who he's calling for with his Mama I'm not sure - it would be cute if it was John though. And tonight I could've sworn that I heard him say Hello when we got home. I'm so impressed because he just turned 6 months old. Tango has turned a year old now and is officially our oldest bird - not counting the canaries & finches since we don't have any hatch information on them.

Well it's time to get my nose back to the grindstone and finish my school work. I have started a course at Penn Foster to do Medical Transcription. I hope that it turns out the way that I am hoping it will. If all goes well then I would like to earn enough money extra to put John through college so he can earn his degree. Since in 2008 it's going to be a requirement to be promoted to Senior Chief (E8) or Master Chief (E9). So far we are looking at Thomas Edison as they have a good reputation for working with military members and being able to use thier job experience and training to translate into college credit for a degree.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

A present for Daddy

Here's little Dixie trying to say that it's take a puppy to work day. And so of course Beau has to try the same thing. LOL - good thing that John has big feet! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Checking it out

Dixie Belle checking out Mag's Bath tonight. Posted by Picasa

New House

Here's the house that we will be moving into next month. What a terrific Christmas present to ourselves! A place where I can finally breath, definately was on my Santa list this year.
None to thrilled about the color - like old cream or sand. But the important part is there's more space plus a huge fenced backyard for the girls to play in. I can't wait to set up their slide so they can actually enjoy playing outside. Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 20, 2006

Dixie Belle

Quick shot of our little Dixie - she has gotten so big in the little time that we have had her! Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 13, 2006

Yankee Candle again

Picking out our colors.

It's snowing! Posted by Picasa

Sick Gwenie

Here's my sweet little Gwenie sitting on her special bum bum pillow after having to get her medicine. My poor pumpkin who has some kind of virus has to have - you guessed it suppositories. I have to admit that she does have a little streak of devil in her though - she wanted to Sissy to get them too! Posted by Picasa

Yankee Candle

Mom and I had a blast at this store. Although the term store doesn't even conjure up the experience that is Yankee Candle in Williamsburg, VA. They also have a year round Christmas Village with Santa, we have yet to see the big man himself in the two visits made thus far. Here is a picture of Mom and I after we dipped our candles. It was a lot of fun - it was nice to see what we could create with the 6 color choices available (if I'm remembering correctly here's the list - red, green, purple, blue, pink, yellow). So of course on our second visit with the rest of the gang (aka John and the girls) we let the girls pick out (BUT NOT DO THEMSELVES) the color choices. It came out to be very interesting color combinations but who can resist a gift from the babies? It also "snows" every 15 mintues in the Christmas village - which is directly behind us in the photo. The snow is actually bubbles but the room is dark with "stars" in the ceiling and it looks very very pretty. Posted by Picasa

More from Great Wolf

We had an absolute blast at this place. I highly recommend this resort I guess you call it to anyone. The only downside that I can think of is the price - you get a lot for your money, except for the meals in my families opinion. We had an absolute blast in the waterpark itself. Plus their Kid's Club was a big hit with the girls. Although with the craft (Magic Wands) it was more like Mommy and Daddy craft time, lol. Which was kind of fun too. Posted by Picasa

Grega with her babies

My mom aka Grega with her babies. Such happy smiles! Posted by Picasa

Pick of the patch

Here's a cute picture of the girls posing on the porch. I love their cute little bare toes - looks like they're having a fun time. Posted by Picasa

Power Outage

Well this weekend was full of power outages. Three of them this weekend alone. And the bad part - is that at least temporarily it has killed my washing machine. It's just sitting there full of water and Mt. Washmore (named by Flylady) is just piling up. Putting my house into further CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome - also thanks to Flylady). Well I'm on the phone with Sears Service and Repair right now and man is it not looking to bright over here. First of all it's $65 to just to have someone come out and then you add on the parts and labor (which by the way they can't give you an estimate) and it looks like a whole lotta of money.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Night time nummies

Can't you tell that he's done this a few times? Mags definately loves his warm night time nummies. Posted by Picasa

John and Mags

Who's going to win this battle - the Macaw who wants ice cream or the long arm of the law aka Daddy? For the curious minds who want to know yes Daddy won. Although who can blame Mags for wanting a taste after all it was Breyers Apple Pie and Cinamon ice cream.
Enjoying time with his baby.
Abuse the Daddy time - more like trying to steal the glasses and dig nails into the shoulders. Posted by Picasa

Just call me

The Bird Man. Here's little Tango peeking over Daddy's shoulder and a naughty Jalen on the finger. All we're missing now is Mags the B&G for a well balanced Navy man. Posted by Picasa


I know it looks bad but really they're just playing. Don't worry about little Dix because she is spunky enough to be more then a match for Beau. But they are very closely supervised. Posted by Picasa

Sleepy time 2

And here's Smaug and Dixie Belle - Smaug really likes her - enough to tolerate a puppy sleeping him. Posted by Picasa

Sleepy time

An adorable picture of Beauregard and Dixie Belle - oh wait can you find little miss Dixie? lol she right in front of the white spot. Posted by Picasa

Have you

Hugged your veteran today? I have! Of course mine is still active duty and home at the moment but it's still a special day. Posted by Picasa


Here's Mags looking all cute and adorable waiting for John to come back. I took a lot of pictures tonight and managed to come out with a few really nice and a few that make me laugh. Posted by Picasa