Saturday, November 24, 2007

Playing at the park

We had a great time at the park - except for poor Pandora who was very cold despite frequent snuggling under the nears adult's jacket. We even managed to talk Mom aka Grega into going down a slide.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Away in a basket?

I almost woke her up with my giggling my cute silly Gwenie falling asleep in a clothes basket. The next day we asked her why she was sleeping there - the answer was she fell asleep waiting for us to come upstairs so she could cuddle. Apparently it was a comfortable enough bed and she was surrounded by the all important Mr. Bear(s) I can make out at least two of them with her of the three or four she currently has.
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Sunday, November 04, 2007

Counting Down

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Inspiration has arrived

For the regulars I hope you notice the new layout to my blog. I'm hoping to write more often as this is a really good outlet for me and helps to calm my mind down before bed. I've also redone my myspace page.